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U.S. Army: To join or not to join?: ‘The idea of working 9 to 5 on a civilian job scares me more than getting shot at’ May 3, 2010

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By Alexandra Orellana, Broadside Correspondent

Katesha Biagas, a Florida native and George Mason University student, starts her day at 4:30 a.m. The 31-year-old public administration major dons on her full Army combat uniform and heads to campus, ready for a physically and intellectually stimulating day.

Biagas is a sergeant in the U.S. Army and a student in the Reserve Officer’s Training Corps. As she walks around campus, she hardly goes unnoticed. Her boots alone weigh approximately two pounds each.

“At first I just want[ed] to blend in,” Biagas says. “But then, when I wear my fatigues and people constantly stop me and say ‘thank you for your service,’ it makes [me] feel good.”

Biagas joined the Army at age 22. She had completed a few semesters of community college but quit for economic reasons. She was recruited at a Walgreens pharmacy, where she was working full-time to support herself.

The Army paid for Biagas’s education and she soon completed her associate degree in radiology. Upon being deployed to Iraq in 2008, the Army placed her as a non-commissioned officer in charge at Camp Adder in Tallil, Iraq.

“I had two soldiers under me,” she said. “Even though I was the manager, I put myself on the regular schedule. I did that just to keep morale [up].”

The Army’s primary appeal is its economic incentive, but a lifestyle of discipline and adventure is equally attractive.

Biagas, and fellow Mason students Grant Zivan, Eddie Castaneda and John Holland, all considered a career with the Army for similar reasons: they sought an education and a challenge.

For some, the Army delivered.

“There’s a big difference between me being right out of high school and [thinking] ‘Oh I’m in college, cool, let’s do this or that,’” said Grant Zivan, a 22-year-old cadet from Fairfax. “Now, [I just think] ‘I have a job to do. People are depending on me. I have to get it done.’ It’s really cool having this kind of responsibility. I go to bed at 11 p.m. I wake up at 5:50 a.m.”

Before joining the Army, Zivan also worked at a pharmacy. He was the average college student. But he also faced economic difficulties paying for college. He worked 9 to 5 as a supervisor at a CVS pharmacy in Fairfax.

After his first semester at Mason, Zivan decided to seek out the Army as a way of paying for college. He had tried to enlist right after high school, but was dissuaded by his parents.

“I have no regrets,” he said of the lifestyle he chose. “The idea of working 9 to 5 on a civilian job scares me more than getting shot at.”

But Zivan is not in it just for the thrill.

“I have been on the Dean’s List every single semester since I’ve been a cadet,” said the history major. “You have officers teaching you that have actually been there and done it. I feel like if I get bad grades I’m letting them down.”

For Zivan, the Army has provided the fulfillment he was looking for. He receives the intellectual motivation to succeed academically and the adventure that his old life lacked.

Zivan currently spends his summers in rigorous officer training programs. He attended cadet field training at West Point Military Academy upon joining the Army.

“It was the coolest thing I have ever done in my entire life,” Zivan said.

In a typical male’s fascination with war, Zivan is eager to see combat. He acknowledges the reality of his situation. He could soon face deployment to Afghanistan, a region of unrelenting danger and instability.

Yet fears don’t plague Zivan. As he sees it, obtaining combat experience is the only way to earn respect as an officer.

“I’m looking forward to it,” he said with excitement. “If you’re a new lieutenant and you don’t have the combat patch on your shoulder, you’re not going to get much respect. The sooner the better to get that experience and get that respect.”

But the Army is no such thing as one-size-fits-all.

Castaneda, a 19-year-old sophomore and psychology major from Fairfax, also looked at the Army as means of financing his college education. He eventually desisted.

“I thought of the consequences,” he said of his decision to ultimately not pursue a career with the Army. “My mom [doesn’t support it and] is afraid of losing me.”

Though Castaneda agrees that he could benefit from the Army’s discipline, he also believes the decision to be responsible lies within each person.

“I’m responsible enough,” he said. “The risk [is] too much for me. I’m the first person to go to college,” he adds, reflecting on his mother’s fears.

Holland, a government and international politics major also considered joining the military his freshman year at Mason.

“It crossed my mind,” he said, of his intention to join the ROTC program. “It didn’t work out. It was difficult on my schedule and my parents are against me joining the military.”

The Army is often a last resort for students in need of tuition assistance. Discipline and responsibility are an unintended byproduct.

But the benefits don’t stop there. A monthly stipend and a fit body are perhaps enough to close the deal.

“There is gratification,” Biagas said. “I love that when I [dress up] my body is so fit. I just love that.”

As for the extra attention, Zivan says it is matter of pride.

“I love that. I absolutely love it,” he said through a wide smile. “I don’t want to blend in. I’m glad that it sets me apart because I am putting so much time and effort and sacrifice that I want to be recognized for it.”

Faces of Mason: Stories of the people shaping our campus community May 3, 2010

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By Fareeha Aziz, Broadside Correspondent; Amy Hensby, Broadside Correspondent; Kimberly Sarmuksnis, Broadside Correspondent; Aisha Jamil, Broadside Correspondent; Karima Scott, Broadside Correspondent; Reuben Jones, Broadside Correspondent; Rania Olibah, Broadside Correspondent; Akuender Kodi, Broadside Correspondent; Allie Hunter, Broadside Correspondent

Lizzy Nguyen: ‘Cause I’m freaking fabulous’
“Zesty, bubbly, outspoken and nerdy” are all words that describe parts of Lizzy Nguyen’s personality. Once when asked why she should win a body building contest at the hypnotist show on campus, she replied with, “’Cause I’m freaking fabulous!” Nguyen describes herself as an extrovert who loves to laugh and be a comedian, but school work brings out her serious side.

This is apparent in her typical routine of conducting research in Dr. Kashdan’s psychology lab, doing Asian impressions or watching the latest episode of Chuck. Nguyen is a senior psychology major in the Honors Program. For the past two years, she has been assisting in ongoing research on social anxiety, relationships and well-being. She’s currently working on her honor’s thesis, which is on daily anger.

Of psychology Nguyen said, “What’s cooler than studying people around us . . . happiness, knowing ourselves, why we are the way we are . . . tools we can use to better ourselves.” She said psychology first caught her interest while taking an AP psychology course in high school. She felt inspired by her teacher’s passion for the subject. Later she felt intrigued by the Stanford prison study conducted by Philip Zimbardo.

She was inspired to commit to the major due to her desire to understand people’s intentions and actions. She also has a general interest in social psychology and thinks psychology is in everything we do, and it is about understanding humanity as a whole. After graduation, she plans to take a year off to continue working in Dr. Kashdan’s research lab and eventually head to graduate school.

Nguyen feels George Mason University has given her the resources to succeed and become more involved in psychology. Nguyen chose to attend the school when her family moved from Pennsylvania to Virginia to be closer to family. She said growing up in Pennsylvania was not always easy because she was the only Asian student. When she moved to Northern Virginia in ninth grade she recalls feeling more a part of the community. In terms of Mason’s community, Nguyen feels that she is always meeting new people and stays involved in various activities even though she commutes.

In addition, Nguyen spends her time as the editor-in-chief of Volition literary and art magazine. She said Volition satisfies her interest in poetry and art because it lets her be creative. She said, “After I graduate, I’m passing the torch . . . I have to give it up.”

During her spare time, she enjoys watching comedies, doing bikram yoga, belly dancing, running, reading and playing rock band with her little brother. You can find her listening to a variety of music from The Beatles and Elvis to Cher.

Nguyen also enjoys doing random stand-up routines while speaking in a Vietnamese accent. Upon my request, she stood up from her chair and spoke in a motherly voice with a Vietnamese accent. I must say her impressions are accurate and very funny. It helps that she speaks fluent Vietnamese at home.

Nguyen’s ultimate goal is to hopefully contribute something to the field of psychology someday. Her advice for incoming freshmen is to manage your time wisely and get to really know your professors. She said, “Do not be afraid to look stupid when it comes to asking for help.” Lastly, she advises commuters to get involved so you feel a part of the community. This is very good advice from a Vietnamese comedian and psychology major who’s voicemail on her cell phone encourages you to “do your thang!” after the beep.

Catherine Luensmann: ‘I want to travel to as many countries as possible’
It’s a normal Monday, and Catherine Luensmann wakes up to her alarm at 7 a.m. Her classes at George Mason University start at 9 a.m., and last until 5:15 p.m. Her weekly schedule usually runs along these lines, whether it is a workday or a school day, just like most of us.

Born in Tacoma, Wash., her family moved to the homeland of her mother when Luensmann was a little over a year old.

As far as she knew, she was German. She lived in Germany among close-knit family and friends for the next eight years, and the half-African American, half-German Luensmann grew up in a very traditional manner.

Her mother moved Luensmann and her younger sister back to the states for the sake of their stepfather’s work. This time they settled in Woodbridge, Va., where the girls were placed in the local elementary school.

As a child, she remembers the most impressive part of moving to the United States was that “Everything here is bigger and farther apart. I remember thinking there are so many big spaces, roads, buildings.”

Speaking to Luensmann now, you would never guess that English was her second language or that she once had to adjust to American culture. She dressed quite fashionably in the common style of a 21-year-old American woman, and when asked what type of music she likes, she explains, “I love R&B, rock, hip-hop, alternative – anything I can sing along to or has a nice beat.”

For fun, she goes out to clubs, to the movies and is the kind of person to try anything new at least once. A favorite hobby of hers is definitely traveling, whether it’s to visit her family every two years or to a new country or state.

To aid her in the adjustment of moving to the states at 8 years old, there were programs in Germany as well as the United States that prepared her for the transition. “I took a year of English in a German school before moving, and took a year of ESL in the states,” she admits.

The change in language was the easy part. Luensmann says that the most difficult part of moving was “Leaving all friends and family behind [and] not knowing anyone here. There were no familiar faces here and family is thousands of miles away.”

This may be what landed Luensmann at Mason. The fact that she already had to leave behind her extended family and childhood friends may have been why she felt so strongly about not leaving her mother, sister and brother to go to college. “I chose to go to Mason because it’s close. I wanted to stay near my family.”

Since Luensmann pays for her own education through loans and holding down two jobs at a time, on average, she says sometimes it feels like Mason is too pricy a university for her. Although, since Mason was the only college she considered attending, she jokes that, “I feel like I’m being ripped off, but that might be college in general.” Northern Virginia living is also known to be expensive, but again it is the price to pay to be around those you love.

As many commuters do, Luensmann usually hangs out in the Johnson Center when on campus, and that is where she eats and gets most of her studying done in between classes. Luensmann says that another highlight of Mason that also serves as a comfort for her is the fact that it is such a diverse campus.

While she would like to participate in clubs or organizations on campus, with a full class load and full-time work schedule, “there’s just no time.” Things that inspire Luensmann and keep her going are “seeing beauty in nature. Also people who are genuinely nice and caring.” Her mother is the most inspirational person to her: “She’s an amazing woman who never gives up and always has a positive outlook on life.”

Her mother’s strength in bringing Luensmann and her sister here and starting a strong, new life for them is what drives her towards ensuring a successful future for herself. As a global affairs major studying Japanese and Russian, Luensmann aspires to have a successful career that allows her to travel to different countries.

“I want to travel to as many countries as possible. After a while, I would love to settle on a sunny beach somewhere.”

When asked if she thinks she will live long-term in the United States or if she plans to eventually return to Germany, her current plans hold homage to the states. “I’ll probably live in the states, although I might move back to Germany for a few years at some point.”

Farhana Jamil: Supermom: ‘I take classes and scramble to do homework’
Cooking, cleaning, working, mothering and going to graduate school are no easy tasks for just anyone. Some say that only a person with super qualities could do that. Someone like Supermom.

And that is exactly what Farhana Jamil, 36, is commonly referred to among her family and friends. Jamil, a George Mason University graduate student is studying information systems. She graduated with a Bachelors in management information systems from Mason in 2004 and currently works as a Software Engineer at Verizon.

Born in Peshawar, Pakistan, Jamil came to the United States when she was only 16 years old. From liquor stores to various fast food restaurants, Jamil labored hard to make a living.

“My first job in the states was for $2 per hour at a Californian liquor store,” said Jamil.

Jamil, who came to the United States with her parents and five siblings, did not have proper work authorization to work legally during the first year.

“It was hard at first to support our family of eight for my parents,” said Jamil. “I did the best I could to help them out as much as I could.”

Indeed, that is what Jamil did.

“She woke up for school at seven in the morning and didn’t get back until midnight because of work. She really helped us out,” said Shahana Jamil, Farhana’s mother.

Tired from all the struggle, Farhana and her family decided to move out of California.

Moving to Fairfax, Va. after five years of living in the Golden State, Jamil met her current husband, Tahir Awan.

It was love at first sight. “When I first saw her, I immedietly knew that she was special,” said Awan.

They got married a year later.

At 22, Jamil, who had been attending Northern Virginia Community College, was also pregnant with her first child.
“Full-time school, full-time work, full-time marriage and now a full-time baby on the way,” said Jamil, “I thought that I was going to go insane.”

However, Jamil did not go insane. Instead, she attended school during the days and worked on weekends at Dunkin Donuts. She would take her one year old daughter to class if it was necessary.

“I would always buy her a bag of chips to keep her quiet in class,” said Jamil, “I did what I had to.”

In the end, according to Jamil, all this “hard work paid off.”

Attending Mason is truly a dream come true for Jamil. She enjoys being back at school doing what she loves to do – learn.

“I take a class and scramble to do homework,” said Jamil. “[It] makes me feel young again.”

Currently, she lives in Gainesville, Va. with her long time husband of 13 years and her three kids. Telecommuting from home for Verizon, Jamil seems pretty content with her life.

“I wake up and I am at work two minutes later. I make lunch for the kids when they come home from school and spend time with my family for a little bit. Then I go to class at Mason,” said Jamil, “I am pretty happy.”

Drew Duke: ‘The Goosefather’
In high school, senior communication major Drew Duke enjoyed producing, directing and editing films, but he never realized that he could make a career out of it until he came to George Mason University. Now on campus, Duke has developed a reputation for his work and has been recognized by students on campus for his achievements.

Last year, a resident advisor that came to Duke’s dorm recognized him as the Goosefather and complimented him on his video. The Goosefather, which Duke wrote, directed and produced, is a spoof of the classic children’s tale The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg.

In the video, which has been aired on GMU-TV (channel 89), Duke plays the main role as the Goosefather. Duke enjoyed working on the video because it allowed him to be creative and he was “able to make it his own since he was in total control of the project.”

But producing films wasn’t Duke’s first choice at Mason. Like many students here, he changed his major. His first major was mechanical engineering, but he discovered by his sophomore year that it was not for him.

Duke’s roommate, Andrew Clark, helped inspire him to find his new major. Clark’s major is film and video studies.

Duke realized for the first time that he would be able to do something that he enjoyed as a major and possibly a career. He decided to change his major to communication with a concentration in media production and criticism, because he could “direct and edit videos, but also have a broad communication degree.”

Now as a senior, Duke still enjoys his major. His latest project for his visual communication course included working on graphics and shooting and editing for the Fairfax Choral Society. The project consisted of making a promotional video for the group that will be featured on their website and uploaded to YouTube.

For the project, Duke attended a concert by the Fairfax Choral Society and edited different clips together. Duke enjoyed the project because it allowed him to “work with a real life client.”

This summer, Duke is looking to expand on his media production experience and find an internship. He is hopeful that his future internship will “allow him to gain hands-on experience and network with professionals in the industry.”

Ideally, he would like to be able to get out and shoot stories in the local community.

Duke plans on graduating in August after the completion of his internship, but will be walking in the May commencement ceremony. He is happy to be the first member of his family to graduate from college and his family is proud of him for such a remarkable accomplishment.

Duke is hopeful that he will be able to find a job in media production after he graduates and someday start his own video production company.

Kemisha Denny: Transfer: ‘The only thing that turned me off about Mason was that it didn’t have a football team’
Loving and outgoing, Kemisha Denny, a 21-year-old junior, majoring in athletic training, reflects on her first semester experiences here at Mason as a transfer student, sharing her interests, hobbies and goals.

She attended Dean College, a small college institute in Franklin, Mass., where she realized that a two-year college program was not enough, and that she needed to transfer to a four-year program of higher education.

“There weren’t a lot of schools in New York City that offered my major, and I didn’t want to be distracted,” said Denny.

“I wanted to be at a bigger school where I could be close to home.”

Denny was raised in New Rochelle, N.Y., a suburban area not too far from the city, but her family originated from Barbados, where she learned of her family’s strong beliefs in west Indian culture.

In middle school and high school, Denny ran track, which had an immediate influence on her choice of study. Her dreams involve working in a high school setting where she can teach sports medicine and gradually work her way up into the college arena of sports education and medicine.

So, I begged the question. Why Mason?

“Mason wasn’t my first choice. It was University of South Florida,” she said. Her parents just moved to the state of Virginia on business, and she said being closer to her family was far more important than her “attraction” to the South.

“I liked the warm weather and the people. But I really wanted to be close to home. Mason seemed like the best school.

And it was.”

“The only thing that turned me off about Mason was that it didn’t have a football team, and I love football,” she laughs.

Most students that transfer to Mason almost always experience dilemmas with the transferring of their credits.

“I’m never transferring again,” said Denny. “Its worst than applying as a freshman. Transferring is like starting all over.”

Denny is not only talking about academically but also socially and physically.

“I knew about Mason, but I didn’t know the people,” she explained. Apparently, she did know one person – a high school friend also transferred to Mason. And for the first time, Denny was introduced to the people of Mason.

Thanks to Denny’s high school friend, she has been open to getting involved on campus with different organizations and activities such as Love Her Fiercely literary women’s group and the Caribbean Student Association.

As we sat in a residential study room, we laughed and talked as if we were life-long girlfriends. And naturally, we got right into talking about the things that she loves to do. Listening to music was first on her list.

“Mary J. Blige, Melanie Fiona, Alicia Keys, Rihanna,” says Denny. “I love listening to music – especially Reggae music!”

Apparently, she has a long list of hobbies as well: shopping at H&M, Delias and Forever 21, Reggae dancing, working out at the gym, traveling, visiting friends and hanging out with friends.

With respect to her major and her dream to have a successful career in sports medicine, I asked, What is your world goal?

“If I could, I would push more people to go to school. Education is a big thing to me. If I could encourage people to go to school and/or better themselves, I would be happy.”

Denise Ammaccapane: The Chef: ‘Reliable, knowledgeable, responsive and always makes herself available’
Strolling down Patriot Circle on a frigid Saturday evening in a customized and personalized white PT cruiser is not only President Alan Merten who waves to onlookers of the Homecoming Parade but also the proud owner of the vehicle, Denise Ammaccapane.

“I was always told I needed a hobby,” said Ammaccapane in her clear-cut Jersey accent. “I needed a car.”

A car is what she found, and now it is her pride and joy, one that she gives the name “Va-nilla,” the “Va” standing for Virginia.

Joining a PT Cruiser club may have been her hobby but what gives her the self driven determination and sometimes overwhelming passion she possesses is the goal of trying to provide the best food service to George Mason University.

In her 27th month on the job as regional district manager of Sodexo and director of Mason dining, Ammacappane is not someone who gets tired easily.

She begins her day at 7 a.m. and doesn’t leave Mason until 7 p.m. With a 12-hour workday six days a week, a driven mentality is simply a requirement.

Ammaccapane has picked up that drive after being in the food service business for 18 years.

Ammaccapane never wanted to be in the food business. She hoped to be a physical education teacher after attending college. But when she realized the pay was less than subpar, she decided to try out a new major at the community college she was attending at the time.

The major was hotel/restaurant management. Ammaccapane was high on the work and loved the one-on-one attention. After completing the major, she moved on to the Rochester Institute of Technology.

Then she picked up a job in the food business, and never looked back.

Ammaccapane spent some time as a chef and, although it was many years ago, she insists today she could leave her downstairs office at any time to walk upstairs and make meatloaf for anyone entering Southside.

Ammaccapane has had close to nine jobs at Sodexo ranging from doing work in training, cooking or corporate work.

When Ammaccapane learned of an opening at Mason, she decided to apply because she “always wanted to work on a college campus,” and she “didn’t want to be in the real cold.”

The interview process was extensive with 20 people on a panel drilling her on a variety of topics. Ammaccapane,
however, called the process rewarding because, as she saw it, “[I] knew what I was walking into.”

Now two years later, Ammaccapane has overseen drastic changes in Mason dining, including the nationally renowned Southside dining eatery and new restaurants in the works including The Original Burger Company and the Pilot House, scheduled to open next school year.

Being responsible for a dining company that has 25 locations, 456 employee and serves 3 and a half million people per year isn’t a job that comes without stress.

Ammaccapane handles the stress of the job by making sure she knows what is going on at each location and addressing the concerns of every customer.

“Food is so personal,” said Ammaccapane.

That’s why she is involved with her staff and with the customers. She makes sure to hold people accountable for the work they do.

“I do it right or I don’t do it at all,” she said.

Ammaccapane can be seen walking the floors of the Johnson Center or driving a golf cart down the paths of campus to monitor each dining location. But what she really prides herself on, is making sure to be involved.

“Communication has changed tremendously,” said Denise Napoliello, the treasurer of the Staff Senate.

Napoliello met Ammaccapane when she first came to Mason and since then they have developed a close relationship.

“[Ammaccapane is] reliable, knowledgeable, responsive and always makes herself available,” said Napoliello.

In fact, the director of Mason dining is so responsive that she gives her cell phone number out freely to anyone who wants it.

This has gone over well with students especially those who work with her on a weekly basis.

“[Denise is] one of the best people I know, and the best administrator I have worked with,” said sophomore Alex Romano, who serves on the subcommittee of dining services for Student Government and has been a staff senator since his freshman year. “She is passionate and cares about what the students say.”

It is hard to please everyone when food is on the line. But Ammaccapane does her best to return e-mails and phone calls and to make herself available all for the sake of the students, staff and faculty at Mason.

“We really like having Denise here,” said Napoliello.

The praise is a sentiment that has been expressed from students and professors alike, and Ammaccapane is just as happy to be at Mason serving customers one sandwich at a time.

Mateen Ashparie; ‘Dream big’
Mateen Ashparie is a junior at George Mason University, recently transferred from NOVA Community College. He is majoring in biology, and hopes to get into medical school. With his medical degree, Ashparie says, “I want to one day become the sports medicine physician for my favorite NFL team, the Washington Redskins.” When asked about the impossibility of this goal, he replied concisely, “Dream big.”

Ashparie was born on January 5, 1989 and grew up in Burke, Va., not too far from Mason’s Fairfax campus. Although he seems like the typical commuter student that is characteristic of Mason, Ashparie is different because outside the school, he becomes the teacher. Just across Ox Road, in the familiar University Mall, Ashparie works for Black Belt Academy (BBA) as a martial arts and fitness instructor.

Since the age of 10, Ashparie has invested the majority of his free time mastering the martial art of Tae Kwon Do. At the age of 17, he earned the title of Black Belt. Since then, Ashparie has been working at Black Belt Academy as a Tae Kwon Do instructor to all age groups.

Additionally, Ashparie runs the Lil Dragons program at BBA, which is a specially crafted Tae Kwon Do class for 3 to 5-year-olds. He comments, “Nothing is better than seeing those little faces excited to learn what you know how to teach.”

Ashparie also picked up teaching a kickboxing class for BBA. When asked where his interest in martial arts originated, he replied, “Ever since I was a little kid, Jean Claude Van Damme was my hero.” And that’s where the obsession allegedly began.

He also attributes his love for Tae Kwon Do to his role model and older brother, Yousef Ashparie. Yousef was also trained and employed by BBA throughout his college years at Mason. However, Mateen depends on his brother for more than just BBA-related issues. Ashparie describes his older brother saying, “Yousef is a good person…He ‘s made something of himself by working hard, and he’s always been there for me because he has strong family values.”

Mateen, too, holds family very high on his priority list; evident by the fact that his best friend is also his first cousin, Ali Baluch. Baluch describes Ashparie as filling the “big brother role” amongst their cousins. He says, “when we were younger, I would run my mouth and he would fight my fights.” Since then, Ashparie does not fight, but remains an influential figure in the lives of his younger cousins and family in general.

His emphasis on the importance of family also influenced Ashparie’s choice of college. When asked why he chose Mason he said, “I didn’t want to miss out on my little brother’s life,” referring to his 7-year-old brother, Sultan.

Ashparie spends most of his time balancing school, family, and his football and martial arts passions. To add to his full schedule, he has also recently taken up teaching himself how to play piano. Ashparie is a fun, yet focused and responsible student; he is definitely a great new addition to the Mason community.

Cindy Vasquez: ‘Keep your heads in the books, but enjoy your time to the fullest’
With her vivacious and captivating personality, it’s impossible not to be drawn to Cindy Vasquez’s aura.

Though she’s small and fun-sized, this extraordinary young lady carries responsibilities twice her size. As the first born in her family, Vasquez not only has three younger siblings to set a good example for, but has parents who expect her to fulfill all of her heart’s desires.

When the Civil War broke out in El Salvador in the early ’80s, Vasquez’s parents were compelled to migrate to the United States in hopes of a brighter and promising future for their family.

Vasquez’s mother struggled to quickly adapt to the American way of life and to break the language barrier that she lacked. If Vasquez were to crown an individual as her role model, she states, “I would give that title to my mother.”

A day in the life of Vasquez involves, but is not limited to, classes, work, meetings and spending time with her loved ones.

Wrapping up her third year at George Mason University, Vasquez is a government and international politics major full time and an intern part time.

She’s currently employed by the Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, which she picked up her sophomore year to compliment her degree.

Aside from the government job and her government major, Vasquez is actively involved in clubs and organizations that interest her most.

She is the treasurer of the Hispanic Student Association (HAS) for the 2009-2010 school year, a member of the pre-law honor society, Phi Alpha Delta, and a member of the CLEO program, Council on Legal Education Opportunity within the honor society.

Vasquez has managed to juggle all activities simultaneously, with a smile that can light up a room and a laugh that warms the hearts of many.

As a rising senior, Vasquez is ecstatic to see what is in store for her and to begin that next stage in her life. Pursing a law degree is in the horizon of her near future, with a focus on human rights.

Despite the hectic career that awaits her, Vasquez sees herself in 10 years, settled and married in the D.C., Md., Va. vicinity with one child of her own as well as a few adopted children.

For the time being, her priority is to finish her college career strong and take life as it is presented to her.

Summing up her college experience, Vasquez snickers and states, “Definitely a wild rollercoaster, with turbulence, but the best experience thus far.”

For advice to the upcoming freshman, she smiled intently and continued, “Keep your heads in the books, but enjoy your time to the fullest, as it is a once in a lifetime opportunity.”

Dionne Foster: ‘Your college experience is what you make it’
As May is upon us, anticipation for graduation is increasing for seniors who are ready to leave George Mason University behind and enter the “real world”. This is no exception for senior Dionne Foster. With the end of the school year approaching fast, Foster is excited to be graduating and is starting to look towards the future.

Foster entered Mason as a freshman in the fall of 2006. Her involvement in clubs at Mason reflects what she was taught as a sociology major. Foster is co-president of Amnesty International and is a part of the Alternative Break program. One of the best experiences of college for her came through an Amnesty International event that she organized herself. It was an event on the death penalty and race. “We filled up the room we had and it was a really awesome moment. It was the first big event I’ve organized,” Foster said.

Additionally, Foster is really involved with community service and has participated in two major trips during the past school year. During the winter, Foster traveled to New Orleans’ Lower Ninth Ward with the Lower 9 project group to help rebuild homes for displaced families after Hurricane Katrina. She helped by doing lots of sanding of wood and debris removal. Foster enjoyed meeting the people who lived there and listening to all of their stories.

Foster took another trip during Spring Break to New York City for HIV/AIDS outreach and service. While there she worked with Gay Men’s Health Crisis to help prepare for the AIDS walk, with FROST’D, Foundation for Research on Sexually Transmitted Diseases, to encourage people on the street to get tested and handed out condoms, and with Hearts and Voices to help set up for performers at Hospice Care Centers for those with AIDS.

When she isn’t donating her time to help others, Foster likes to relax and read poetry. She also really likes food and going out to eat. When asked what the perfect day would be for her, Foster gave an answer quite expected. “Sunny with some water nearby and fireworks. A good day with friends, oh and world peace.” Foster said. She would also, along with the rest of allergy sufferers, like pollen to disappear!

Now that graduation is around the corner, Foster is taking time to reflect on her time at Mason. “I don’t feel like I’m graduating. It will be an interesting transition.” Foster said.

She had this advice for freshmen that are unsure what to think of the college experience. “Get involved and find out what you care about. Being involved benefits your community and yourself” she said, “Your college experience is what you make it. Whether you get involved with community service, Greek Life etc.. It’s really about self exploration.”

After graduation Foster wants to find a job at a non-profit organization that deals with human and women’s centered rights. She also wouldn’t mind some traveling, especially to Uganda, Australia or India. There is no question that Foster is excited to be graduating. Another thing is for sure; Mason, and the community at large, can expect great things out of Dionne Foster post graduation.

Center for the Arts Calendar 2010-2011 May 3, 2010

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By Patrick Wall, Style Editor

George Mason University’s Center for the Arts (CFA) has long been a cultural beacon in the Northern Virginia area.

From orchestral shows to theater, the CFA’s schedule gathers together the best of the world’s cultural icons.

The 2010-2011 season marks the CFA’s 20th anniversary. To celebrate, the venue will showcase some of their best talent yet. For students looking for a show, the CFA has their bases covered.

“The Great Performances at Mason series has such incredible variety and there really is something for everyone.” Said Public and Media Relations Coordinator Jill Graziano. “I see The Merchants of Bollywood doing really well among students given the emphasis that Mason places on diversity and the rise in popularity of Indian culture in recent years.”

To purchase tickets to a CFA event, or to view a complete listing of events, visit cfa.gmu.edu or call (703) 993-2787.

It’s all about you: Britt Wright gets personal on WGMU May 3, 2010

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By Tea Hadzic, Broadside Correspondent

Monday seems to be the most dreaded day of the week for students. But not for Britt Wright.

Wright is a weekly DJ and host of his very own radio show on George Mason University’s WGMU. The title of his show is The Wright Hour, an hour-long show airing every Monday from 5 to 6 p.m.

Wright’s show is entirely about you. You tell him what you want to discuss and what you want to hear, and he’ll make it happen for you . . . with a spin of his own style.

“My duty is to entertain students through music and select conversations,” said Wright, a sophomore communication major from Richmond, Va. “Ideally, I wanted people to finishing their Monday evening off just right . . . and what better way than with The Wright Hour.”

Hosting a show during his college career was not in Wright’s plans. He actually took COMM 148, which is the Radio Workshop course, during his freshman year. If a student does extremely well in the course, he or she is asked to host a show in the actual studio. Looks like Wright received an A-plus.

Wright has discussed all sorts of topics ranging from relationships and dating in college to spring flings and summer hook-ups, as well as other hot matters roaming around campus. At times he successfully freestyles his way through a show.

“My favorite thing about the radio show is giving my thoughts and playing music that correlates with them,” said Wright. “My least favorite thing is you don’t know exactly know how many people are listening to it.”

Without really knowing how many listeners he has, Wright promotes his show very strongly via Twitter and Facebook, and, of course, word of mouth. There is also an open door policy at The Wright Hour. Wright lets students and faculty help him co-host the show and talk about topics, giving listeners different views.

“I like when people are here in the studio with me,” said Wright. “It’s more entertaining for me. Sometimes I feel awkward talking to myself.”

A special guest Wright would love to have on his show is President Alan Merten. Wright is anxious to see what listeners would like to discuss with Mason’s number one man.

Wright plans to run the same style show next year, but hopes to get a later spot in the evening. He believes that most students will be settled in their dorms and will be more likely to tune in. Wright also loves Slow Jams, and evenings are perfect for this music genre.

“The best experience has been the actual experience of having the opportunity to learn and potentially get a job through my stint with WGMU Radio,” said Wright. His goal in life is to host NBC Nightly News, but Wright would gladly
accept a path in radio if opportunity comes knocking.

Don’t miss out on DJ So Wright these last few days this semester! Listen to The Wright Hour every Monday at 5 p.m. Call in and speak your mind, make special requests or just shout someone out.

To apply for a show, contact Program Director Alex Romano.

The best of the decade that was May 3, 2010

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By Ross Bonaime, Staff Writer

This past decade was a huge one for film. It’s hard to believe, but before the last decade, superhero movies were considered risky ventures, Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings were just books and the most successful films in 3D were Jaws 3-D and Friday the 13th Part III.

So with that, let’s look back at the 2000s for the top five films of the last decade.

This is my last column for Broadside, so I would just like to say thanks to anyone who took a minute to read my articles each week.

5. The Royal Tenenbaums
The decade was ripe with quirky comedies like Juno and Little Miss Sunshine, but Wes Anderson’s take on family dynamics was borderline perfection.

An incredible cast featuring Gene Hackman, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ben Stiller and Luke and Owen Wilson in their greatest roles has a style all its own and its views on love, relationships and growing up in mayhem make it a fantastic comedy.

4. Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2
The 2000s were also about breaking down the norms, something Quentin Tarantino does better than the rest.

Tarantino split up his four-hour film into two perfectly matched parts — one high in action, the other ripe with his trademark dialogue.

Tarantino brought action back to the big screen that was exciting, yet still had substance.

3. Memento
Before Christopher Nolan directed one of the most successful films of the decade, The Dark Knight, he made Memento, only his second film.

Memento is a modern day film noir told in revolutionary ways. The style that Nolan cultivated in the film highly influenced his later movies, such as his take on the Batman franchise and The Prestige.

With his masterful work in the last decade, Nolan instantly became one of the great new directors.

Animation was one of the most successful styles of film in the 2000s. While DreamWorks had some success with Shrek, Pixar owned animation.

Their style of taking simple stories told from new viewpoints with humor and large emotional impact culminated with one of their finest films, WALL-E. The story of the trash-compacting robot was incredibly daring.

The movie broke the rules by telling the first 20 minutes of the story with no dialogue. Featuring a strong anti-consumerism message and important lessons about how we treat the earth, WALL-E was groundbreaking and will stand in history as one of the greatest animated films of all time.

1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is quite possibly the greatest example of film perfection in the 2000s.

The film featured the decade’s most accomplished screenwriter, Charlie Kaufman, one of its most adventurous directors, Michel Gondry and masterful performances by Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet.

This story of love lost but hopefully not lost forever was touching and spellbinding in a way that was a revolutionary look at the contemporary love story.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind could easily be the most important film in terms of message, story, substance and style in the entire 2000s.

Magic: The Gathering A card game bringing students together May 3, 2010

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By Ramy Zabarah, Staff Writer

We’ve all seen them, we’ve all heard them and we’ve all judged them, but does anyone actually know them?

For most students, the bottom level of SUB I is a place to get a quick bite to eat, grab a drink after a long day of class or play a game of pool to unwind. But for a certain group of students, it’s a place where they can be themselves.

Magic: The Gathering is a collectible card game introduced in 1993 that has been credited as the precursor for other games such as Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh! But Magic: The Gathering — or Magic, for short — is the main focus of this certain group of students who rule over the kingdom of SUB I.

Although Magic is this group’s main game of choice, other similar games might make their way to the table, such as seminal fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons and various board games.

Games of Magic are played in phases between two or more people. Each player starts out with a certain number of health points, and the objective is to either cause your opponent’s cards to run out, or to reduce his health to zero.

The latter is done by using moves — or “lands” — to cast spells on your opponent.

According to sophomore IT major Scott Hetzer, the rules are so complex that an official manual had to be published.

And it wasn’t exactly light reading.

“The published tournament rule book is about 500 to 600 pages,” he said.

While only a hobby, and a great excuse to get together with friends and socialize, there are places for these students in competitive Magic tournaments.

In fact, along with the standard Magic cards, there are also collectible players’ cards, similar to baseball or basketball cards, with professional Magic players pictured on the front and their statistics listed on the back. The data even includes their winnings from tournaments, which sometimes exceed $50,000.

As I sat at the table and watched two students duel, reminiscing about the days when I used to play Pokémon, I noticed their passion for the game as well as the sporadic glances we received from the people around us.

Naturally, in an environment like this, there is plenty of criticism from those outside of the gaming community.

Surprisingly enough, this doesn’t bother the students as much as one would assume. When asked about their image in the eyes of the general Mason population, Mark Maceren spoke for the whole with confidence in his voice and a smile on his face.

“I’ll brand the group,” said Maceren. “We’re complete nerds. But it’s better than smoking.”

New sparring club uses old-world techniques May 3, 2010

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By Jason Ulrich, Broadside Correspondent

Walking past one of the ballrooms in SUB II, spirited grunts, shoe squeaks and sword thrusts echo as two students engage each other in a sparring match using long swords.

Some people join clubs to share in their ethnicity, some to share in a foreign language, while others have a strictly political aim.

But there is one club on campus that puts all these aspects of modern society behind them for a couple of days out of the week. It is the George Mason Medieval Swordsmanship club, or GMMS for short.

The swordsmen practice in medieval weaponry, helping each other learn different styles and techniques from countries such as Germany and Italy.

Most of each meeting is made up of drills and sparring until “the desired result is met, or if something weirder is found,” says James Clark, club president and biology major. “We also laugh, joke and generally enjoy ourselves, even in the middle of a spar.”

Still limping into existence, this club normally meets in an aerobics room inside the Aquatic Center or a ballroom in SUB II on Wednesdays and Sundays from 3 to 6 p.m. History professor Samuel Collins is the faculty adviser to this rag-tag group.

According to history major and GMMS member Tim Hall, the weaponry that is used consists of wood and steel swords for slow and controlled fencing and drills, modified kendo shinais (a Japanese practice sword), and padded sword simulators are used for faster fencing with more intent.

The weapons used to spar are replicas of three different types of swords, originating in Europe between 1250-1600 C.E., much like the techniques used.

These techniques range from Dardi (Italian) to Sigmund Ringeck (German), though Clark stated that he “also mixes some Scottish Macbane and Portuguese Montante into [his] technique.”

Legitimate meetings for the club still seem to be few and far between, but on the sporadic occasion of group gatherings, the practice and sparring seem straight out of Braveheart.

With steel clanging and student-warriors losing and gaining ground by the second, this is a display of martial art not often seen, but deserving of an audience nonetheless.

Launched last semester, the club is currently one of the smallest Mason clubs with about 10 official members, though according to Clark, very few actually show up.

While the group’s growth seems severely delayed, with the exciting nature of the club, it should only be a matter of time before its numbers increase.

In Bed With Billy: Reconnecting to the past for the sake of a future May 3, 2010

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By Billy Curtis, Sex Columnist

Every now and again it’s a good idea to take a moment to stop and evaluate the good in your life. We often forget to do this, and in the process can sometimes disregard what is important to us in the long run. Goals, friendships, relationships: all can be lost as quickly as they were found.

But life is funny. Connections are constantly changing; one minute you’re dating someone, the next you are enemies and never speak again — or so you think. The many roles people play in our lives are important, and it’s also important to remember that no matter what happens between anyone you encounter in this life, it’s for a reason.

I had been asking myself questions about the ties I had to the people who were important to me presently, to the people I had lost in the past and to the endless possibilities of what the future may hold. This got me contemplating some reconnections, along with some failed ones, a friend of mine and I had been going through recently.

Caroline and I had been friends since we were introduced in college, and after graduating, she moved back to her hometown in New Jersey.

Before she returned to Jersey, she had met a man named Jacob while at home one weekend. He was smart, certainly attractive and seemed as normal as anyone else. But looks can be more than deceiving — they can be devastating.

After a few short months of dating long distance, Jacob simply disappeared; there were no signs of problems in the relationship. Jacob’s reason was that he wasn’t over the ex he just broke up with a couple of months back. Caroline was left wondering what happened and what she could have possibly done wrong.

When Caroline moved home, she had moved on from Jacob and was starting over again in a familiar place. One night while out drinking with her friends, as Caroline ordered her dirty vodka martini, a touch she recognized caught her attention and upon turning around, she saw Jacob standing behind her.

The initial shock of running into him was a bit much, but she recovered and quickly remembered how much she liked him from their brief conversation at the bar. And so they exchanged numbers and began seeing each other again.

In a conversation one day, Jacob told Caroline about the ex he hadn’t been over when they had previously dated. He felt horrible about what he’d done to her, and was willing to make it up to her forever — words that aren’t original, and promises that are rarely kept.

Jacob and his ex had dated for over five years and were in line to get married until the engagement was broken off.

Jacob never told her the reason the wedding never happened and left most of the important details of his previous relationship a secret. It seemed as though Caroline’s reconnection with Jacob was better for both of them.

Caroline was happier than ever about her born-again relationship with Jacob. Everything seemed fine, and after almost a year of dating, marriage was dropped onto the conversation plate.

Then Jacob started becoming distant towards her out of nowhere, ignoring her phone calls and texts, and when he was with her she would feel as though he wasn’t there at all.

Finally, Caroline began to wonder what was going on with Jacob. How could someone go from talking about marriage to not talking at all?

One night when Jacob said that he was at home relaxing, Caroline decided to see if he was really home.

Doing some investigating, Caroline found out that Jacob was at his ex’s apartment, and that his ex of five years was actually his present girlfriend of six years.

Caroline realized that during their sixth year of dating, she was the other woman and the secret connection that Jacob was having with his ex was really his full-time relationship.

It turned out that Jacob had made his reconnection with Caroline for kicks — stringing her along and leaving her alone, even more hurt the second time than the first.

She asked me why this happened to her, and why she deserved this. I had no answers for her, only the reassurance that she would find someone new and better who wouldn’t treat their second attempt at a relationship as something on the side, let alone their first.

It’s smart to keep good people in your life, and while sometimes it can be a little difficult to know how these people will affect you, but limiting yourself out of fear due to past misconnections is only going to hurt you in the end. No one likes saying goodbye. Sometimes it’s tough, but it can be the only option left available to you.

As this semester comes to an end, think about what you’ve learned this year, and if the people you congregate with, the people you date and the people you sleep with will be connections that will last long.

George checks our NUTS: Annual festival a smash hit with students May 3, 2010

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By Aisha Jamil, Broadside Correspondent

“Check your nuts!” — The memorable slogan blared out by volunteers that no student who attended this year’s Testival will forget. The slogan was also printed on this year’s blue T-shirts that featured several large peanuts on the front with the word “Testival” bolded and enlarged on the back.

Testival, which is an annual testicular cancer awareness-raising event, provided George Mason University students a fun way to learn how to check themselves for lumps.

With games like Testicle Toss, Guess that Nut, Balls to the Wall and Plinko, students were ready to stop by and play. Winners received prizes such as a blue balls keychain, a ballsy mouse pad, a nutty stress reliever, a ShamWow or a “Check Your Nuts” calendar depicting ordinary objects in suggestive poses.

When asked what he learned at the event, sophomore Justin Ladson replied enthusiastically, “I learned how to check my balls!”

In order to get the prized T-shirts, students had to talk to three different volunteers about testicular cancer, who taught them how to check for unusual lumps and nodules.

“I learned how to do a self-exam,” said sophomore government major Nicholas Mondi. “They actually made me touch fake balls to feel for nodules. This is definitely a good idea.”

Founded three years ago by Danielle Lapierre, the event is sponsored by the Office of Alcohol, Drug & Health Education (OADHE), Phi Sigma Kappa and University Life. Testicular cancer targets men ages 15 to 40 and is a curable cancer if caught in time.

Phi Sigma Kappa President Patrick Rooney, a co-sponsor of Testival, was in charge of aligning his fraternity as volunteers with the event. They gave out free Otis Spunkmeyer cookies and helped the OADHE inform students of the risks of getting testicular cancer.

“It kills over 400 people a year,” explained Rooney. “This is a staggering number, especially when it’s curable.”

Along with men taking an oath in the middle of the North Plaza “to check their balls once a month,” women also pledged to ensure their boyfriends or husbands did the same.

“It’s important for us girls to know what we are dealing with,” said Sulma Perez. “If we are touching them regardless, we might as well check for lumps down there!”

If you missed the event this year, Testival will come back next spring to teach us the basics about our cojones.

In My Own Words . . . April 26, 2010

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By Erin Thompson, Broadside Correspondent

Hi, my name is Erin Thompson. I am a senior at the Mason LIFE Program. I would like to share my residential dorm life experiences.

Mason LIFE Program has a residential program as a component that continues to build upon the foundation fostered in the independent living and community access classes as taught in the academic program.

While one-third of the Mason LIFE students commute to the university, at least two-thirds are residential students who live on campus.
But I am actually enjoying myself in the dorms. The reason I decided to live on campus is because I always wanted to be independent and hopefully to move out of my parents’ house.

My parents always taught me how to be independent, like taking my own responsibility, doing my chores (including homework) and making sure that I take my medication ever morning. Also, making sure that I get to bed on time.

In the Mason LIFE Program, we have a 102-dorm class that involves friendship, roommates and residential assistance. We usually meet every Tuesday from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.

This class will help us learn more and be very independent in our dorm room. We have a common area where there is a TV and a table to study and do our homework. But the things that we can’t get out of are cleaning, laundry and studying time for homework.

But right on the hall we have a calendar to see what’s going on. The RAs take their time by planning events for the Mason LIFE Program.
I will give you an example: on Monday night, we usually have Monday Night Football for the boys but the girls like to watch different shows besides sports.

Hi, my name is Erin Thompson. I am a senior at the Mason LIFE Program. I will be discussing the major issues about pollution.

I have seen a lot of people putting trash on the grass, even though people shouldn’t be throwing things on the floor. I wish people could do a better job making sure they throw their trash out. The worst part is that people don’t take the responsibility and care for our animals.

Where can animals find a home, and how are they going to find food? There are about 200,000 animals out there finding food to eat. Most
of the animals live underwater like dolphins, fish, walruses and other animals.

Pollution is contamination by a chemical or other agent that renders part of the environment unfit for intended or desired use. It deserves emphasis that the environment also refers to the place where you live. And natural processes have released toxic chemicals into the environment throughout the history of the earth.

Currently, the pollution generated by human activities presents the most serious problem. Did you know pollution can take many forms in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the ground where we grow our food?

Of the pollutants that taint urban air, fine suspended particulate matter sulphur dioxide (S02), and ozone pose the most widespread and acute risks. However, airborne lead pollution is a critical concern in many cities. Recent studies on the effects of chronic exposure to air pollution have singled out particulate matter as the pollutant most responsible for the life-shortening effect of unhealthy air, although other pollutants may also play an important role. These pollutants cause respiratory and other health disorders.

Besides increasing blood pressure and stress levels, noise pollution can also have deleterious effects on hearing. There are two categories of hearing loss resulting from noise exposure. The first, acoustic trauma, is hearing loss resulting from a single exposure to a very loud sound such as an explosion. The second, noise-induced hearing loss, is hearing loss arising from repeated exposure to moderate noise.

The latter is the more common form of hearing loss due to noise pollution.

Water pollution infects the water and renders it unfit for drinking and other purposes; it is also a major cause of most of the waterborne diseases.

Reducing pollution from fossil fuels is critical to preventing further damage to the environment Fossil fuels are not renewable and may soon be gone. These fuels, which include coal, crude oil and natural gas, took millions of years to make and cannot be relied upon as a major energy source. Fossil fuels cause more than 90 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to global warming. If steps are not taken, mankind may be in a bad situation.

Fossil fuels cause acid rain. Smog, air pollution and other problems need more government regulation and steps taken by individuals can help a global switch to alternative energy sources that are renewable and friendly to the environment.

But what can we do to help reduce pollution? Reducing pollution can be done by everyone. Buy a vehicle that is a hybrid or one that uses biofuels or other alternative energy sources. Carpool or ride a bike when possible to cut down on the amount you drive. Plant trees and plants whenever possible and keep plants in your home as well. These are natural pollution reducers and, in exchange, they provide oxygen recycle whenever possible.

Using alternative energy sources, conserving energy when possible and taking other steps to reduce pollution will help make the earth a better place for everyone, including future generations.