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In Bed with Billy: Selecting Classes and Men November 12, 2009

Posted by Sonya Hudson in : Style , trackback

Billy Curtis, Sex Columnist

Selection can be a really important thing. Whether you’re choosing your classes for an upcoming semester or the right guy to date; your choice can make all the difference.

As class registration opened this past week for the spring semester, I began thinking about how important these options can be.

Think about it, if you choose the wrong schedule, there is a strong probability that you could end up spending more time in college than you originally intended and if you choose the wrong person to date, you could end up investing your time in a relationship that may be more damaging than beneficial, resulting in you losing in the end.

Either way, it’s always smart to weigh your options and understand the risks that can vital to consider. Mason’s selection of dating material hasn’t showed much promise, at least for me, but I am sure some have had better luck.

So what happens when you aren’t happy with the class options you are given, you search for alternatives. In my case, I looked to other college campuses in search for a better dating opportunity.

James Madison University didn’t have a very promising selection, mostly just alcoholics, and rejects seeking shelter in the valley from their life’s problems. George Washington University, while I am sure has an awesome class variety, they clearly lack in the department of well-pedigreed men.

One of my most recent interesting choices for dating material was from the University of Maryland in College Park, Maryland. Adam was a junior neurobiology major at UM, and seemed to share the same level of confidence as a pretentious lion that hadn’t gotten his mane yet.

With every conversation it seemed that we had more and more in common, and I thought that the first date would have gone over well. I was clearly mistaken.

Upon our first meeting, the standard traditional Starbucks visit was a must. For some reason though, the conversation we had in person was very different from those that weren’t.

What I had originally believed to be Adam’s overzealous confidence actually turned out to be a level of such pretention that I literally couldn’t stand sitting next to him and was overjoyed that coincidentally we had chosen to watch a movie for the date.

Almost every word that came out of Adam’s mouth was some sort of bloated or narcissistic story about himself. A man clearly belonging to one caste who believed he was part of better one.

I was surprised, the last guy I dated from UM was awesome, very sweet, smart, and not a pretentious social reject—nothing at all like this self-esteem-issued narcissine school boy.

After the date—thankfully—ended, goodbyes were said, awkward “Pleasure to meet you” statements were expressed, sealed with a handshake, and we went our separate ways—luckily this was a rare occasion where all the cards were placed on the table.

Situations like this are easier because you can learn a lot about one person from one visit, especially when they are that pompous. Not all out-of-college dating experiences can be horrifying, and some can yield even more benefit than expected, it’s really just a matter of how lucky you are when it comes to the matter.

Risks need to be taken and mistakes need to be made. If we all never made such decisions or choices we wouldn’t graduate with our degrees or find people in our futures to marry and be happy with.

If only they had a website like RateMyProfessor.com for dating students—they could call it something similarly tacky and you could evaluate a selective dating partner before you even meet them from all of the comments their exs made about bad habits and misfortunate experiences with the aforementioned social reject.

Dedication to your selections, whether it be for courses or guys, should always be made with the utmost consideration for all factors, how both will fit into your life, or whether you can maintain such a commitment.

If you don’t take the time to research what you may be getting into, you could lose everything you’ve worked so hard to create. Take my word for it, starting over in either scenario is going to be a rough situation to deal with, especially when all of life’s little surprises still need to be considered.

I’ve over-analyzed my schedule for each semester just as much as I have with all my previous relationships, worrying that if I didn’t , I wouldn’t get the best selection or would be stuck with things or people I didn’t want or need.

Remember that the selections you make in whatever aspect of life will be reflected in your future.

Graduating on time, finding the right boyfriend; these decision can be some of the hardest of our time.
When you know what you’re getting into, and what it is you’re looking for in whatever aspect of life that may be, you can be better prepared for the likely twists and turns that both life and love can bring while in college though preparation and a clear selection.

Happy hunting!


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