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SafetySuit Rocks Dewberry: Up-and-Coming Act Visits Mason for Homecoming Week February 22, 2010

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Patrick Wall, Style Editor

As the clock struck 8 p.m., students walked nervously into Dewberry Hall, illuminated only by the neon green and purple lights. As students shuffled in, they looked around for friends, hoping to find a familiar face in the growing crowd. Before long, a sizable crowd formed around the stage constructed at the far end of the hall.

After a brief introduction from Program Board, George Mason University’s activities committee, the band of the evening took the stage. Hailing from Nashville, Tenn., SafetySuit is a band clearly on the rise.

Most of the crowd were clearly fans of the band, shouting out requests and yelling when lead singer Douglas Brown addressed the crowd. And the band was happy to oblige the attention. Brown dedicated a song to what he dubbed “soon to be lovers” in the audience, and asked fans for requests.

SafetySuit’s sound might be best described as emotional and powerful, as they sing songs about heartbreak and love. The crowd connected with the band’s message, and grew more enthusiastic with each passing song.

Bassist Jeremy Henshaw’s resounding bass and drummer Tate Cunningham’s pounding drums were in stark yet fitting contrast to guitarist Dave Garofalo’s atmospheric lines and Brown’s emotionally charged vocals.

The band began its rise to fame in relatively inconspicuous fashion. The band formed in Tulsa, Okla. before settling in Nashville, Tenn. While in the Music City, the quartet worked hard, touring frequently and releasing an EP before being signed to Universal Motown.

Their freshman release, Life Left To Go hit the shelves in 2008 and the band hasn’t looked back since.
Bringing SafetySuit to Mason was just part of the weekend plans put together by Program Board. To celebrate Homecoming Week, Program Board helped plan other events in line with the “Unmasque Your Spirit” theme. New Orleans-themed activities were on tap all week, culminating with the men’s basketball game on Saturday night.

For more information about Program Board events, visit http://pb.gmu.edu. To check out SafetySuit, visit http://www.safetysuitmusic.com.


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